隔离墩模具 , 流水槽模具 , 防撞墙模具 , 检查井模具 , 护坡模具
保定玉达 专注于高速隔离墩模具设计与制造

玉达 高速隔离墩模具 隔离墩钢模具








    Focus on isolating the design and manufacture of the pier mold -- Baoding District Yuda mould processing factory.


    Over the years, the isolation pier mold processing enterprises to isolation pier mold shape design, structural design, performance design and other improvements, only to produce a safer and more beautiful cement isolation pier, so that with high- isolation pier can improve road traffic safety, enhance the city style.


    Isolation pier mold is one of the main products of Dajin Mould Factory. The annual production is high. It can be said that it is produced almost every day. The cumulative and the leap are made. Every isolation pier mold produced conforms to the national standards and specifications.




