流水槽模具 玉达 , 预制U型槽模具
1) poUring: the proportioning of the concrete mUst be moderate dUring constrUction, and the strength mUst be Uniform when poUring, so the concrete can not be leaked oUt.
2) vibration: the vibrating bar shoUld be evenly distribUted in the coUrse of vibration.
3) dismantling: water groove mold removal is the top priority. First of all, the screws on the water troUgh mold shoUld be lUbricated regUlarly to avoid rUsting screws. We mUst be carefUl when removing the moUld, try to avoid the occUrrence of the deformation of the water troUgh mold, and affect the next Use. Another point to note is to pay attention to the release strength, do not damage the finished prodUct.
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